Anti-aging Belotero

Are fine lines and wrinkles under your eyes starting to give away your age? It may be time for you to explore the benefits of Belotero. This hyaluronic acid injectable is designed to smooth those signs of aging around the eye. Belotero is an easy anti-aging solution that requires little downtime and can rejuvenate the delicate, wrinkle-prone areas on the face. The specialists at Portland Face Doctor recommend Belotero for patients looking for effective under-eye filler options.

Why the Eye Area Is Wrinkle Prone

The skin around the eye is thin and delicate and is usually one of the first places where signs of aging begin to pop up. As we age, our skin starts to lose elasticity, leading to the development of fine lines. Volume loss can also accompany aging, which can affect your overall facial appearance. These changes are a natural part of the aging process; however, certain lifestyle choices can exacerbate the signs of aging, such as the use of tobacco.

How Belotero Can Help

Belotero is used to treat unwanted folds and wrinkles on the face and is particularly effective in areas where the skin is thin. The hyaluronic acid that this filler is composed of binds to moisture molecules which gives the treatment area an increase in plumpness and volume. 

What Should I Expect During Treatment?

Belotero treatment at Portland Face Doctor is a quick, convenient, and effective procedure. Our specialists are skilled at creating a comfortable experience for the patient and will take steps to minimize pain and discomfort. They then inject the filler into the treatment area and ensure it is properly distributed. 

When Will I See Results?

Your results will become visible almost instantly. There is no extensive recovery period or downtime associated with this treatment, meaning your cosmetic concerns will be addressed without delay, giving you more time to enjoy your refreshed look.

Belotero Benefits

Belotero Portland

Convenient treatment: Belotero is a convenient solution that takes less than an hour to administer. When your treatment is complete, you can resume regular activities.

Natural-looking results: If you are concerned about getting results that indicate obvious work, you can rest assured that Belotero injections can help you achieve a natural, beautiful look that you can be proud to show off.

Youthful new appearance: This treatment erases signs of aging, allowing you to look like a younger, refreshed version of yourself. See the old you in a new light with Belotero.

Lasting results: Individual results may vary, but you can expect results to last six months or more. 

Is Belotero Right for Me?

At Portland Face Doctor, our experts are waiting to help you reveal a youthful appearance. Navigating the world of dermal fillers can be confusing. A consultation with one of our experts can help you understand more about the types of filler we offer, their benefits, and their specific uses. They will also address any questions you have regarding treatment. If you are not happy with the lines and wrinkles on your face, find out if Belotero can help by contacting our office today.