As a highly sought-after Portland facial plastic surgeon, Dr. David Magilke is frequently asked about the best age at which to have a facelift. If you are starting to think about cosmetic improvement, you may have the same question.
Many patients are surprised to learn that there is no single “best” age for facelift. The right time for facelift is different for everyone, based on their individual circumstances, genetics, personal preferences, lifestyle and treatment goals. Everyone ages at their own pace and has their own idea of what it means to age gracefully.
Are You Ready for Facelift?
The optimal time for facelift depends on how quickly you show signs of aging and how comfortable you are with those age-related changes. Your numerical age alone should not be a compelling reason to have surgery.
Instead of focusing on your age, ask yourself whether you are bothered by any of the following signs of aging:
- Loose or sagging skin on the lower face and neck
- Excess fat deposits under the chin and on the neck
- Deep creases or folds around the nose and corners of the mouth
- Sagging jowls
If so, you could enjoy the anti-aging benefits of facelift surgery. We encourage you to visit our Portland facial plastic surgeon for a consultation. Dr. Magilke will examine your face and neck, ask you about your specific concerns and goals and determine whether facelift is a suitable solution for what you describe.
Other Criteria for Facelift Candidates
In Good Physical Health
You should be in good overall health before facelift surgery and inform Dr. Magilke of any pre-existing medical conditions ahead of time.
You should not smoke or be able to quit several weeks prior to surgery.
Good Skin Quality
You will see the best results if your skin has retained some elasticity and flexibility so it can “bounce back” after surgery.
Realistic Expectations
It pays to understand exactly how facelift can turn back the clock and help restore your self-confidence. You should know that facelift will help you look like a younger and more refreshed version of yourself, rather than someone else.
Positive Outlook
A positive outlook is key to a smooth experience. Staying focused on the ultimate outcomes and rewards of facelift will serve you well as you plan surgery.
Book a Facelift Consultation Today
The best way to determine whether now is an ideal time for a facelift is to consult with Dr. Magilke about your options. With his many years of experience in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Magilke can help you weigh your options and make a decision that is right for your personal circumstances. Call or email our practice to schedule your appointment today.