Sagging eyelids and bags beneath the eyes make you look old before your time. Eye creams can help but they have their limitations. Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, revitalizes your face. You not only appear younger but more alert. Dr. David Magilke, double board-certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, discusses when to combine upper and lower eyelid surgery.
Upper Eyelid Surgery
Upper eyelid surgery treats loose skin hanging over the eyes. In severe cases, excess skin obstructs peripheral vision. People with droopy upper eyelids might appear angry or tired to observers, even if nothing could be further from the truth. In addition to looking more youthful, patients may find others see them as more approachable since they no longer look mad.
In addition, upper eyelid blepharoplasty can eliminate upper eyelid puffiness.
Incisions are made along the upper eyelid’s natural crease. The surgeon removes excess skin, fat and muscle contributing to hooded eyes. The incision is closed with sutures. Its location in the natural crease makes any scarring almost invisible.
Lower Eyelid Surgery
Want to eradicate undereye bags? How about getting rid of the fine wrinkles around the eyes? That’s where lower eyelid surgery comes in.
Known as lower blepharoplasty, lower eyelid surgery involves creating an incision along the lash line or inside the lower lid. After removing or rearranging the excess fat and skin, the incision is closed via sutures.
Combining Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery
For many patients, combining upper and lower eyelid surgery makes sense, if both areas of the eyes could benefit from rejuvenation.
With both procedures, patients receive intravenous sedation and numbing drugs injected into the eyelids.
Combining both procedures means taking the same amount of time off work as just one procedure. In either case, expect to experience bruising and swelling for several days. The combination makes the procedures less expensive, as far as sedation and operating costs are concerned.
Both procedures are performed in one to two hours. You’ll see the full results in approximately two months. Your younger appearance can last for years!
Contact Portland Face Doctor
If you would like more information about upper and lower eyelid surgery and whether you are a candidate for the procedures, contact Portland Face Doctor to schedule a consultation with Dr. Magilke. Call (503) 297-6511 or fill out our online contact form.