As the seasons and temperature change, so do your skin care needs. This means that the skin care regimen that kept your skin glowing and beautiful all summer long may not be ideal for fall. To help ensure your skin is ready for the new season, Portland Face Doctor Dr. David Magilke would like to share the following summer to fall skin care tips.

Switch to a Thicker Moisturizer

While a lightweight moisturizer may have done the trick during summer, it won’t be enough to combat the dry and cooler weather. A heavier moisturizing cream or an oil-based one, like one from the Obagi or Epionce skin care lines, can deliver some extra moisture needed to keep your skin refreshed and nourished during the fall and winter weather.

Continue Applying Sunscreen

Contrary to what many people may believe, the sun’s harmful UV rays do not simply disappear during cloudy and cold weather. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), about 80 percent of the sun’s rays pass through clouds, meaning that you are still susceptible to sun damage even during winter and fall seasons. Make it a habit to put on sunscreen year round, no matter what the weather outside is like. The AAD recommends using broad spectrum sunscreen of at least 30 SPF. Reapply as instructed on your sunscreen bottle or every two hours when outdoors. If you’re in the market for sunscreen, visit Portland Face Doctor and ask about the medical-grade sunscreen products we carry.

Repair Sun Damage with a Skin Treatment

If countless hours at the beach or pool this summer left noticeable sun damage, Portland Face Doctor can help. We offer an array of skin rejuvenation treatments in Portland to minimize the appearance of sun damage and signs of aging. Some of our most popular skin care treatments are:

  • Portland laser peel, a deep resurfacing peel that improves overall skin texture for youthful and firmer skin.
  • Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, a series of treatments used to improve skin texture and reduce uneven skin pigmentation, spider vessels and pore size.
  • Obagi Blue Radiance Peel, an exfoliative treatment that helps the cell turnover rate for younger-looking, healthier skin

No matter what your needs are, you can rest assured that our team of skin care specialists will customize your treatment plan to meet your skin needs, type and goals. To learn more about the non-surgical cosmetic treatments and skin care products we offer, please schedule a one-on-one consultation. Call (503) 297-6511 today.